Ettenig Sayam’s Author’s Journey

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I Got Knocked Down – But I’m Up Again!

In October 2022 I published my debut novel Aren & Élise, a contemporary re-telling of the biblical Abraham and Sarah story. On November 7, 2022 I returned from first book fair as a published author. Yay! I attended the Texas Book Fair. I went to the gala. I met so many amazing people. On November 11th I was getting my bees ready for the winter and then I slipped on a pile of wet leaves. I floated in the air for a few seconds and then boom! followed by a sickening thud. My leg was at a funny angle when I landed. My ankle received the full impact. At the urgent care I learned that I fractured my ankle. The good news, I would later learn, was that I would not require surgery. But the recovery was long. By the time I finish my physical therapy at the end of February the recovery will have taken me three months. A lot of things happened while I was down and unable to do anything. I lost my book manager. I had to find new publishing partners. This website was created to move my author communication forward. I managed to get some publicity for my book and I am planning for upcoming festivals. My first one will be in March at the Ottowa Canada Book Fair. I have forged new partnerships and made new friends along the way. I had to set aside my work on my second book Seraphin Stone. I just did not have the focus. But during my time I had time to do some deep thinking and now I am ready to move forward. Hopefully, the book will be released in July 2023. My bees did not survive during my ordeal. I wasn’t able to care of them. But, I will try again in the spring. I’ll start over. Just like my author journey: I will get knocked down. But I will get up and keep moving. Stay tuned. Ayibobo!

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